Timing Is Everything When You Want To Get Pregnant- By: Ellie M Peterson

Description : If you're having a hard time getting pregnant, taking a look at your timing and learning a little bit about when you might be ovulating is a step in the right direction. Even if there aren't any infertility problems with either you or your partner, if your timing is off you stand almost no chance of getting pregnant. Your problem could be as simple as adjusting what time during the month you try to get pregnant.

While some people do manage to get pregnant very easily, there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than you might think. Timing is actually a lot more important than most people believe and without the proper timing your chances of getting pregnant drop to near zero. The time each month when you are fertile is actually only a few short days. This is why timing and knowing when you ovulate is so important.

You might be one of the lucky women who can tell when she is ovulating. You might even be able to tell which ovary you're dropping an egg from. The telltale sign is pain on either side of your pelvis depending upon which ovary is popping out an egg. If you have a high threshold for pain, you might not even notice this pain so there are also ovulation predictor tests that you can pick up which will tell you when you will be ovulating. Also, taking your basal temperature each morning when you wake up and tracking it can tell you when you are ovulating.

Knowing exactly when you ovulate is important because you are going to want to time when you will be trying to get pregnant. If you are off in your timing by even a few days then you're simply not going to get pregnant. You and your partner's part of this whole baby making effort have to meet somewhere in the middle. It's almost like trying to throw something at a moving vehicle. You need to be a little preemptive and plan ahead if you want your timing to be right. This might go against how you might have thought things worked before but if you think about it the metaphor of trying to hit a moving vehicle is about right. One you grasp this concept then you'll know what to do with this date when you should be ovulating and you can plan accordingly.

Many people think that in order to become pregnant you need to get together with your partner when you're ovulating. This line of thought might wind up causing you to be trying too soon. Like I said, it's almost like trying to hit a moving target so a little planning might be necessary before you find success and become pregnant if you have been following this often misunderstood idea of when and how you get pregnant.

You see, you almost have to plan things so your partner's sperm is waiting for your egg. Your partner's sperm has a shelf life of about three days or so. This is why keeping track of when you ovulate is important. Knowing about what day in your cycle you ovulate can help you to plan things out and get the timing right so you can become pregnant. Not all women are alike and although doctors say that most women ovulate in the middle of their cycle, there are some women that ovulate only a few days after their period. So, if you were going by what is typical and you're not typical, you could be off in your timing by several weeks!

So, if you have been having a hard time getting pregnant and the word "infertility" has begun to creep into your vocabulary, learning a little more about when you ovulate and trying to time your baby making time based upon this information might help you to find success. Remember that all of us are unique and even though you might wish that you were typical, learning a little bit about your body and how it works just might help you to avoid several months and thousands of dollars' worth of infertility treatments. This simple trick could help you to get pregnant as soon as this month.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Visit my blog to learn more about overcoming infertility naturally. Read this Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle book review and see how you can get pregnant on your own.